
2024, the year you start to systematically explore AI in your organisation.

Welcome to the first newsletter of 2024. To quote Douglas Adams "Trying to predict the future is a mugs game" however, as we are going to have to live there, we are sharing thoughts on the future of journalism, technology and AI in 2024.

OpenAI never seems to sleep as it announces ChatGPT Teams making companywide adoption more practical and the GPT Store a place to find and share specialist GPTs. However, Ethan Mollick of the Wharton School shares research suggesting that custom LLMs (think something like ChatGPT that you have also fed with specialist data) may not be better than a good generalist LLM.

At Purposeful Relations we can help you with creating a strategy around AI for your organisation, drop us a line to start the conversation.

From our β€˜At Last!’ correspondent, Meta is going to integrate Threads with the Fediverse, allowing it to interoperate with other social networks. We are not holding our breath that the wall around the Meta garden will be dismantled anytime soon, but any movement towards interoperation has to be good for the end user.

Our CommTech tool this issue is Microsoft Copilot. If you're using the free version of ChatGPT then you really should use Copilot, as it gives you many of the benefits of the $20 per month ChatGPT Plus for free.

We've also a little favour to ask. Can you please forward this newsletter to one other person you know in public relations or communications and ask them to subscribe. Thanks.

STOP PRESS - Edelman has just published its 2024 Global Trust Barometer. We haven't had time to do our own analysis yet, so we've included the great summary from PRovoke Media.

Tim Bailey | Digital Futurist  



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Innovation and efficiency in 2024

Purposeful Relations offers consulting, training and mentoring for PR and communications teams and leaders - in-house and agency.

We can help with:

Getting up to speed with how to best use AI in Comms and transform both your organisation and client engagements.

Better measurement and evaluation through customised frameworks that work for your company or organisation.

The start of 2024 is an ideal time to review your current Comms Tech expenditure to ensure you are getting value for money. Our CommsTransfrom process is a technology audit that makes recommendations for where you can get better value for money.

Contact us to start the conversation.

The image was created using DALI-E via Microsoft Copilot.

Tim Bailey | Digital Futurist  

CommTech toolsCommTech tools

Crisis communicationCrisis communication

Research and reportsResearch and reports