
Season's Greetings let's celebrate 75 and a favour

Season's greetings to one and all. It's apt that the last edition of PR Futurist in 2023 is the 75th, as 2023 is also the 75th anniversary of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR).

In this issue we've got the excitement and rapid disappointment of Google's Gemini AI, Prowly's look forward to the PR trends of 2024, research about media coverage of climate change, the Davos Communications Awards winners, and how the FT and WSJ are using LinkedIn newsletters.

We're looking forward to 2024 and have already got some exciting AI consultancy and training projects lined up for January with both in-house teams and PR agencies.

We've also a little favour to ask. Can you please forward this newsletter to one other person you know in public relations or communications and ask them to subscribe. Thanks. πŸ™

Stuart Bruce and Tim Bailey | Purposeful Relations  


Talking Alethia in Athens

Last week I was meant to be in Athens to give a keynote about AI in communications at the annual Greek Corporate Communications Conference. Unfortunately, family events meant I couldn't to go. However, I still gave my talk by video and participated in the panel discussions afterward.

It felt apt to be talking about Rolls-Royce's Alethia Framework for ethical AI as Alethia originated in Ancient Greek philosophy, with Parmenides, on truth and disclosure.

Stuart Bruce

Stuart Bruce | PR Futurist  


Data, measurement, analyticsData, measurement, analytics

Case studiesCase studies

Research and reportsResearch and reports

Professional practiceProfessional practice