Stuart is excited to be at Labour Party conference as it looks with confidence towards a future in government, more businesses than ever have a presence here. If you're in Liverpool give Stuart a call to catch up. It can only be an advantage for your organisation to have a CEO who is a communications professional. It should be so integral to decision making that it makes sense and could avoid potential pitfalls that a non communications CEO might encounter. We're proud of our work with social housing to achieve net zero and are pleased to hear at Labour Party conference that a new government will take the climate and the green economy seriously. Do get in touch to see how we can help you to innovate and be more efficient.

See you at Labour Party conference?
This week Stuart is at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool. He's attending lots of fringe meetings on business and the economy, the future of work, technology and AI. He'll also be catching up with and assisting clients who are there.
If you want to meet up in Liverpool then get in touch, or let us know if you want a post-conference briefing on what the latest political developments mean for your sector.
Karen Marshall

GenAI – nine themes to consider in your own implementation
An excellent summary of nine issues that you need to be aware of when implementing generative AI in your organisation. All could have impacts on reputation and should be at the fore front of discussions with your board.
Tim Bailey
Get in touch

Innovation and efficiency
Purposeful Relations offers consulting, training and mentoring for PR and communications teams and leaders - in-house and agency.
Thank you to all those that we have spoken to about delivering our AI briefing to your organisation. We have been heartened by how many organisations want to work with us. If you’re still thinking about engaging us this year, we would encourage you to get in touch now so we have time to schedule you in.
As well as AI, we can also guide you on your journey to:
- Better measurement and evaluation through customised frameworks that work for your company or organisation.
- Selecting the right software or service to innovate within your organisaton.
Contact us to start the conversation.
Tim Bailey
CommTech tools

Welcome to the world of wearable AI
We're starting to see the emergence of wearable AI devices. A couple that I've spotted are the Rewind Pendant and the AI Pin.
The Rewind Pendant captures what you say and hear in the real world and then transcribes, encrypts, and stores it. It claims to take a "privacy-first approach" by encrypting and storing the data locally on your phone. It also offers features for you to ensure non one is recorded without their consent. The beauty of the Rewind Pendant is its simplicity and practicality. The pre-release price is only $59.
The AI Pin is a different concept that for me is less enthralling. It's a standalone product with more complex (therefore more expensive) technology. It's a far more futuristic product and reading the announcement sounds more like style over substance. It's launch at the Paris Fashion Show with Naomi Campbell confirms my cynicism.
I've already pre-ordered the Rewind Pendant as at $59 it's a bargain so why wouldn't I want to experiment?
What do you think? Are you excited about the possibilities of wearable AI or one of the fearful ones?
Stuart Bruce
Headline Hero - write better headlines using AI
Headline Hero is a nifty AI tool that suggests headlines just by pasting in your news story. You can also set parameters such as the number of characters, include or exclude words, make it a question or a quote.
And it's free as it is provided by Newsifier, an AI-powered CMS for news publishers.
Stuart Bruce
Case studies
Our work to help social housing achieve net zero
It's not often we talk about client work here, but this is such an important issue we just had to share it. Stuart has been working with the Nothern Housing Consortium to help it create a communications toolkit to educate and inform social housing residents about energy efficient homes. Stuart was part of an expert team assembled by NHC to take a collaborative approach to the challenge of encouraging social housing residents to embrace energy efficiency.
Making social housing more energy efficient has a huge role to play in the journey towards net zero, but to be successful needs residents to understand and support the changes. The toolkit uses the latest best practice for communications including behavioural psychology, measurement and evaluation.
Kathy Marshall, the net zero communications project manager at the Northern Housing Consortium, has written more about the Heartwarming Homes project for Inside Housing.
Karen Marshall
Research and reports

Future of Corporate Communications study finds CCOs investing more in technology
The world's biggest PR firm, Edelman, has just published its latest research into the Future of Corporate Communications. It finds that 44% of CCOs are increasing investment in technology compared to last year. Stuart has written about this and other findings in an article on his PR Futurist blog.
Tim Bailey

The assumptions you bring into conversation with an AI bot influence what it says
This fascinating new study in Scientific American reveals an AI placebo effect as the same chatbot will respond differently depending on its user's assumptions about artificial intelligence. One of the points I often make when doing keynotes, Q&As or training about AI and communications is that the reason some people think it's not particularly good yet is because that's what they think. This means when they test it they do so with badly written prompts or tasks where AI will struggle. If they wrote better prompts or asked AI to help with different problems, then they'd find it worked well.
Thanks to Purposeful Relations Advisory Board member Becca Caddy for spotting this one.
Stuart Bruce
Professional practice

Should your next CEO be a former head of communications?
A career in corporate comms is not always seen as a pathway to the CEOs chair. However, as the preoccupations of organisations change, with an emphasis on reputation management and communication, we are seeing more CEOs who have a comms background. This makes sense as the organisation needs the strategic skills that the best comms professionals have to manage the complexities of their operating environment. Our Global CommTech Report is quoted in the article.
Tim Bailey