
Do it!

Have you seen the generative AI images on social media showing how it can be used to create optical illusions? Squint or move away from the picture above to reveal a hidden message. 👀 DO IT!

In this issue we also look at a new AI report from the CIPR (which builds on our Global CommTech Report), research reveals a third of people are Super Distrusters, how the UK Civil Service is encouraging innovation, and Microsoft has finally announced launch dates for its AI Copilot.

We also make no apologies for this being another AI focused issue. Don't worry if you don't have time to read the tsunami of reports, research and guidance on AI as we do that for you and let our clients know what's important for them. We use AI to help us do this, but the expert advice and counsel is all us!

Because things are changing so quickly, we've also opened up bookings for our AI for comms and corporate affairs masterclasses and workshops. Why not get in early before all the slots get taken?

We don't know the original source of the picture as lots of people have shared it. This one comes via Brian Solis on XTwitter.

Stuart Bruce and Tim Bailey | Purposeful Relations  


Is Labour a government in waiting?

This year's Labour Party conference is attracting unprecedented interest from businesses, charities and other organisations. The business forum on Monday 9 October sold out within 48 hours. The exhibition zone has had to be expanded three times to accommodate the number of companies and organisations that want to exhibit.

I'll be there for the full conference - from Sunday 8 October to Wednesday 11 October. If you're there and want to catch-up, or you can't attend and you want me and the team to monitor issues most relevant to you, or a post conference briefing then let me know.

Stuart Bruce



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