
πŸ™ Thank you!

Thank you all for the great reception and feedback after last week's That Was The Week That Was. I originally started TWTWTW because I was already doing the 'hard' part of reading and collating news , opinion and research about the future of public relations and communication. I have to spend a lot of time doing it as I need to know it in order to counsel clients. The two best things about TWTWTW for me are firstly the great feedback I get every week and that writing it gives me time to reflect on what I've learnt each week. Let me know what you think of this week's edition.

Best wishes - Stuart  



Corporate affairsCorporate affairs

CommTech toolsCommTech tools

Research and reportsResearch and reports

Professional practiceProfessional practice

That Was The Week That WasThat Was The Week That Was

πŸ™ It's a wrap

Thanks for making it to the end of That Was The Week That Was. All of this week's stock photos were from JumpStory, as it has kindly given me an extended three-month trial of its library. Thanks JumpStory.

If you spot anything that you think should be in next week's edition then please let me know and I'll credit you with the spot.

Best wishes - Stuart