
πŸ’“ This is TWTWTW #15

Hello, I'm Stuart Bruce and this is my weekly compilation of public relations, communication and corporate affairs stories. If you are a regular subscriber you'll notice That Was The Week That Was looks a little different this week. That's because I've switched from publishing it on the free Substack newsletter platform to Curated, which is a paid for platform. If you are using #PRtech tools professionally there are often advantages in using a paid for tool rather than relying on a free one where the service levels and T&Cs are totally outside your control.

Best wishes - Stuart  


Corporate affairsCorporate affairs

Crisis communicationCrisis communication

AI, digital and socialAI, digital and social

Research and reportsResearch and reports

CommTech toolsCommTech tools

That Was The Week That WasThat Was The Week That Was

πŸ™ Thank you!

Thank you for making it to the end of another That Was The Week That Was. If you want to talk about how I can help you or your team with measurement and evaluation, strategy or digital and social media then visit my Stuart Bruce Associates website and get in touch for a free, no obligation chat.

Best wishes Stuart