
Still time to win a pass to the PRovoke global summit

Welcome to our latest issue where we cover everything from live 3D printed ears to the FT abandoning Mastodon as onerous digital legislation makes it too hard.

But first we want to let you know that the CIPR is the latest professional body to back our global survey into how PR and communications professionals think about and use technology. There's still time for you to complete it and be entered into a draw to win a pass to the PRovoke global summit. Do the survey here.

We've also got links to the 21 case studies in the PRovoke Media round-up of the 21 biggest crises of 2022 and Stuart offers his opinion about the PR Twitterati taking potshots at Edelman for its annual Trust Barometer. As if that's not enough there's advice on climate change comms and the FT finding that legislation governing social media is just too difficult even for a company that big.

Tim Bailey | Purposeful Relations  



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