
AI avatars and lots of reports

This is bumper edition for reports and research with four we've chosen to highlight.

Accenture says the UK has the most to gain from AI of any of the G7 economies. While Gallup reveals AI will will fail without cultural change. Doh! It's what we've been saying to clients from the start. Don't get bamboozled by shiny tools but focus on using AI to help your people.

We're still taking bookings for AI master classes for 2025 (but you'll have to get in quick as we're almost out of slots). Check out the page, even if it's just to see my AI avatar (rest assured the workshops are the real me).

Talking of master classes, Intuit has just just given one in how not to do public relations. And Microsoft calling out Google for astroturfing is worth a case study or two.

Talking of case studies see how one of the world's largest media and presentation training companies is using AI for roleplay practive. And get an insider view from the UK's Ministry of Defence on how useful AI is (and consider if an defence department considers it's safe to use AI then it is for you as well.)

Stuart Bruce

Stuart Bruce | PR Futurist  


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